WEST VAKCOUVEK LIBHAWY IHif THE HEWS LETTER OF THE WEST VAHCOUVER MUSEUM AHD HISTORICAL SOCIETY VOLUME e NUMBER £ MARCH 1-&SS ‘OtSS mmmL uaiMEB WILL EE HELD ON THURSDAY £-<rH OF MAROH lOSS ?:30 PM TO 0:3Ct PM IN THE LIBRARY (UPSTAIRS:i PAULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL ;*^;r "r;^, I, i. i , â- .' .; ELECTION REMINDER All Officers of the Society, with the exception of the Archivist and the news letter Editor, are elected annually for one year terms. The nominating committee has submitted a list of candidates as Officers of the Society for the period March 1988 to March 1989. Nominations will be accepted from the floor but there must be a mover and a seconder and the consent of the proposed candidate must be obtained. You are reminded that only paid-up members may vote or hold office. At the conclusion of the elections and the business section of the meeting, and time permitting, David E. Uilson will give a slide presentation of the varied activities of the Society and a display featuring photographic artifacts. ^he Society makes every effort to ensure that all articles are accurate and takes no -esponsibility for inaccuracies. Corrections and contributions are welcomed. Excerpts must be attributed to the West Vancouver Museum and Historical Society and reproductions in whole or -art are not permitted without the express authorization of the Society.