History-onics (West Vancouver, BC: West Vancouver Historical Society), 1 Nov 1987, p. 4

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origiiicii owner, Uaiii'or-nia reawoods from that time sLill stana too.ay. And, of course, there were the horses - among them "Lady Radiant" siren by "Brigham Radiant" and, muchi later on, "Silver", who would be ridden by l,he Her-rmaiu^d ^ chiidr'en. The Hernnanns were great horse lovers and hosted many equestrian evexits on their estate which boasted a stable wuth u box stalls ano 1 stajiding stallj ari exercise trac.K.; aii(i f padoonis that stretchea alraost to arc Street. Mr, Herrmarmi was a foundj.ri^c curector of me i,aons Sate ruoing and i-t)...o Slub and Mrs, Hermann, an avid golfer as wei^ as an expert norsewoman, was a founding member of the Capilano 'Soli Club. Mr, Hermanii was Haixaginf, birector- ol the Sariadian Creoscting Coiupany which didn't hurt at ail when it came to fencing "Spuraway". All the posts ti.at ringed the property wrere first creosoted matirig tnem rot-resistant, ir. reriTruu-n was extremely safety conscious and would not pemit the use of barbec w.ire oi- even wire mesh so that neither people nor animals could be iigured. Instead, horizontal bars of round pipe were set between the fence posts. Squash and. badminton courts were laid out and a building coiis true Led containing a changing room, shower facilities aiid a Kitchen. A small extension Original Log Structure was added on to the northern wall of the house to provide a stairway wheri riace was installed, the house havin^^ been initi?".Lly ueai-ea ty f.i rep i teen, cochere was built on the east sine of tne nouse ., of everything, Granddaugnter Valerie vopni can't dishwasher, for example. The cnanges wrougbt oy i’ all the more remarkable wnen one re.ilizes t.nat .it salary of ^Io,000.00. ur- •jortt . . . aiiC. nSi.de, was tne latest uven remei.ittr tne re iiOt oeiiig r. ;:ermai n were trt-nnenoovis :n W£-S .iccn/fii.iLu.siGi. a!. mn-Urij. In 19UU, Mr. Hermanji .sold "Spuraway" to his Qsugnter Adeje jhnma..i me an., ner husband, Ernie McDemott, ano it was the iicLemotts wric subsenue;ntly empioye';; Vancouver Architect Charlie van uennan no close in tne soutn-iacmg verandan c^na convert it into a den. An imposing stone fi.repiace was ouiit Oii its eastei-n wai.i. The beautiful outdoor porch handrails were retained and can oe seen today iii wnat is kriowTi as the library of the "ir-oge". Tne Mcuenaotts lived at "Spuraway" untij. 1952 when the property'^ was sold to Gordon Gibson, Sr. At the age of one hundred, , George Eiiiott Hermann passed peacefully away on Easter Sunday, April 19th, i9b7 - seventy-six ^ears anc a day from the appearance in THE EXPRESS of the articile on his beloved log home. Wiiat was published then is still true today. "...........tne skill, art, and conscientious efforts of the Japanese carpenters (for by such is the nouse oeing biiixt) nave re;;;air.ed unslighted ............