History-onics (West Vancouver, BC: West Vancouver Historical Society), 1 Nov 1987, p. 3

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"SPURfiWflY"- THE HERRmflnn YEARS ^ L Wcisri't- ci fiuw Mcust' :,f :.hc. L-'iit it wasn't an oia one eitner - six, .year's to be exact ana, aireaay in Mr. Hermann, it had its thira occupant. The year was 1917 ana George nliiott Hermann haa just raoved from Vancouver into the impressive iog house on Keith Hoad witn nis wife, dstella, aria only chila, four jear old Aaele ivamaiine. The house was to remain in his family for the next 3> years. iv;0 one coula argue aoout the originality 01' she structure. In a newspaper article Qatea April 18, lyll, under the neaaing "new Departure for Hesiaential lyovelty", THn DXliijiSo ran the following: "sot far from tne termination of the Gapi-iano car line ana situateo on Keith Hoad, house uidque in the annals of ivorth Vancouver house coristruction is being erecteo. {B^ the following year, tne site wonld forn. part of the newly incorporated District of lest Vancouver), To the observant peaes-trian wenaing his way to ana from civilization perhaps liCthing more remaruaule aoout tne structure is noticeaole than the quaint, ragoda-lirce aip of the roof projecting far out from the waifs in the arcriiLeetural style peculiar to the Orient anu yerr,; /auow uoiinets or the fact of logs being used in place of tne converiLicnal buiiuirjg .-fiateriais. nveiv eit of woedworK is rnaae of the crude natural wooa, free from the oegracing toucr» oi' unttiiming meef;-anical implements, and sha^ea witii fiaiii saw, g^.ane ai.i. omer eitcw-grease driver, tools in such a manner as to produce ar. effect at once r’u£i,.j.c arsi refiiieu." George fell in love witn the place ana recalliiig a nanie fi-om a dock tnai. had caught his fancy, he called it "Spuraway". Over the years, several structui'rm changes were made and extensive development of the property carriea cut out the 'neart' of the log house, like its name, remained. It must be remembered that in those early days, "Spuraway" was a fam. Relatively isolated and removed from any shopping area, self-sufficiency was essential and, for that reason, cows and chiCKens were kept; a vegetable garden cultivated; and an omhara planted. When the original north wing of the house was removed and replaced by a large adaiticn, a porch-like aroour facing westwards was created linking the ole ana new sections oi' ihe h.ouse anc* here, vines grew neavy with grapes from which Sstella made jam ar.c jellies nnc wine. &ut r. ,-.a jn' l al. functional, beautiful flov/er teds v;ere pianted, ana sr.ruos, 'uiu u.ere was a liiy pond ana fringing the formal gardens, a vai'iety of tree: max.., o: tner; imported from iLnglanc by Mr. Ed Manon who noa acquix-eu tne property ai'tei' nr. nilion, the George Elliott Hermanr! 1886 - 1987