A REMINDER. Dont’t forget your nominations for West Vancouver's 75th Anniversary committee Achievers Awards. The deadline for submissions to the 75th Anniversary Committee office is Sept. 2Tst. Nominees may be living or deceased but must be persons who lived in West Vancouver a minimum of 5 years between 1912 and 19B7 and who made a significant contribution to the Municipality. Full details will be available at the General Meeting along with official nomination forms. Supplemental information not to exceed 100C words is a requirement for each nomination. Dear Editor: I hac looked forward to having Bruce Ramsey autograph his book for me at our Community Day Booth but he wasn’t there. What happened? Mrs. Janet Edens Nanaimo, B.C. You and 57 other book purchasers, Mrs, Edens! We understand that Mr. Ramsey hied himself o-f'f to the Greek Isles for a rest after completing "A Place of Excellence" which is probably why Mary Chapman couldn’t reach him by telephone. However, we had hoped that on his return he would have replied to our letter inviting him to attend our booth but obviously there wasn’t time. Perhaps, he rriade an arrangement with the Seniors’ Centre before going on holiday. In any event, that’s where he could be found on Community Day. Our apologies. Edito':" *##â- *•♦***** While on tne subject, a copy of the book has been given to the Historical Society (thank you anonyrrrous donor). Overlooking the obvious typographical errors, spelling and reversal of photo captions, most readers have found this to be an agreeable book, aloeit incomplete. Yes INCOMPLETE. For what we keep hearing IS, "Why wasn’t so and so mentioried or such and such an event'?" Well, now’s your chance. We propcse to emend, embellish and add to our copy by appending your input. All you have to dc is send along your corrections - cite the page or pages, please. We welcome your comments? accounts and, particularly, photographs or documents which will validate your viewpoint or recoilections. Who knows? Someday, your Historical Society may pen, produce or word process, "In Praise o'" Excellence". A few months down the road, sc to speak, Eernie Holt expects to be hard at work mapping out historical walks for Caulfeild and Horeshoe Bay. Any historic information yo^: can p:"Dvide about these areas - identifying homes anc owners, events end years etc, will make Bernie’s task a lot easier. Early and long time residents can contact Eernie at 922-6264. Enougn: Enougr; already! Than!:;s a lot but no thanks. Ycur rgcpQjjsp to our request fo^ coat nangerr, have gladdened the neart of New vorh's garri-ent district ..... mayoe :.:e should nave a funo-raiying coat hanger sale"