RUN WITH RACTS AND RIGURES One hundred and fifty years ago, Princess Alexandrina Victoria succeeded in that year of Born on May Empire as a appears on Most years, day our the her uncle, William IV, and ascended the British throne to begin, 1837, the longest reign of any monarch in English history - 64 years, 24th, 1819, Queen Victoria bequeathed her birth date to the British of celebration to generations who followed. "Victoria. Day" still calendars but only rarely is it actually celebrated on the 24th. "holiday" is moved about much like an ouija board to the Monday immediately prior to the 24th in order to provide today’s leisure-loving workforce with a long weekend. This year, "Victoria Day" will fall on May 18th, as far from the late Queen’s birth date as it is possible to go and because 1988 is a leap year, we’ll have to wait until 1993 before the 24th falls on a Monday. Thirty years after Victoria’s demise, the fledgling West Vancouver May Day Committee observed her birth date with its inaugural May Day pageant, at a time when the 24th was inviolate. Celebrations took place on the exact date, the only exception being when the 24th fell on a Sunday and, oddly enough, it did Just that back in 1931. When Mrs. John Lawson crowned Peggy Barker first May Queen of West Vancouver, it was on Monday, the 25th of May. It must be hard for some to imagine the impact May Day had on us. Begun before the ready availability of television; before the Lions Gate Bridge opened the City to us and us to the City; before bowling alleys and swimming pools. May Day ranked in importance right up there with Christmas, and it had the full support and involvement of the whole community ... from spectators to participants to patrons. In 1932, the year retiring May Queen Peggy Barker crowned her successor Jean Warner, the May Day Committee, through the West Van News acknowledged contributions to its May Day Fund in the following way*. "The Committee wishes to acknowledge the following further donations toward May Day prizes. They would also like to thank all donors again, most heartily, for their generous contributions. If any gift has remained unacknowledged through error, this mistake will be gladly rectified if the donor will communicate at once with any member of the committee. Otherwise, the following items complete the list of acknowledgements: Dr. F. Stainsby ........ $3.00 W.H ...................... 2.00 N. and J ................ 2.00 J.D....................... 1.00 J. D. .................. 1.00 W.6..........................75 Associated Dairies Woodwards Ltd. West Van Police Dept. Smith, Davidson & Wright Well Wisher Todd Manning West Van Electric (J. Patterson) A.D. Gunn & Co. J.S. Fry £; Sons Ltd. (G. Payne) The Walter M. Lowney Co. Robertson’s Bakeries Ltd. F. Eatock ............... $2.00 Mason’s Transfer....... 2.00 M.A. Hamilton ............. 1.50 J.R.P. ................... 1.00 H.B....................... 1.00 W.B. .................... .50 Milk to the Refreshment Stand Order ($2.50) A watch A pen Linen Table Sets (2 boxes) A plaque Flashlight 3 Boxes of chocolates 3 boxes of chocolates 1 boK of chocolates Cake and Cookies