PRESIDENT’S REPORT FOR 1986. A major effort of the Society during 1986 was to make itself known. Despite its demonstrated success (witness the increase in membership to over 200) there is still much to be done. A one-day membership drive using a booth in Park Royal South was useful and served as a guide for participation in Heritage Week in 1987. For the display on 26 April 1986, a pamphlet combining a write-up on the Society with a membership form was prepared. Unfortunately, some of tne information con-became outdated long before the supply of pamphlets was exhausted. The membership form is still valid and in use. In the spring. Mayor Humphreys informed the Society that tne Municipality had acquired John Lawson's safe and would hold it until a museum building has been acquired. Now the Society should make an effort to obtain Mr. Lawson's desk. A major effort throughout the year was to obtain the use of the old Ferry Ticket Office as a museum display area. This became a possibility when the decision was made to move the Bus Yard to North Vancouver. First, however, Council had to make a decision as to the disposition of the bus area property, and there were so many conflicting viewpoints that a decision has been slow in coming. If the condition of tfie building is reasonably good, the Society expects a favourable decision. During the summer, your president was asked to co-operate, by the Raterpayers' Association, in the setting up of a Village Walk. He contributed input both on the path of the walk, and in the historical material for use by walk guides. Hans Berger made a like contribution of material on the trees and plants along the walk. At six hours, the walK was too long but the people enjoyed it. For the 75th anniversary year, your president suggests dividing the walk into three, expanding each section to make a good afternoon's walk. Over the summer, the Directors moved the Society Headquarters - all the way from Rm. 14 on the second floor of Pauline Johnson to Rm 4 on the ground floor. It is a better room from all viewpoints. Any executive, over time, tends to fall into predictable patterns. Last year, our Directors got a needed shot in the arm with some new blood - Georgie Wilson took over the finances with good results, and David Wilson took over membership - to demonstrate what roots in the community could do in increasing membership. In 1986, Jack Leyland gave a needed push in another direction - clarifying roles and long range planning. As a result, the Society should be able to move forward in 1987 much more positively, and with more member involvement in all its activities. The Society was fortunate in having Marj Murray take over from Mildred Hughes in Hospitality, in that the high standard of refreshments was maintained through the year. A cup of coffee, a cookie, and a chance to talk to old friends is a good way to end any meeting. All in all, the Society can feel that it had a successful year in 1986 and can look forward to an even better one in 1987. GENERAL MEETINGS DURING THE YEAR 1986 18 February - Tom Bell of the Fire Department gave a talk on the history of the West Van Fire Department - with slides 18 March - Annual General Meeting 4 May - co-sponsored by the Hulbert Group, a meeting in Sagers to celebrate its conversion. Rupert Harrison traced the building's history from Conservative Hall in 1913 to today. 10 August - Picnic at Klee Wyck. Rupert Harrison gave us the history of that building. 16 October - Bill Chapman traced the history of surveying in West Vancouver. 20 November - Geordie Tocher spoke on his voyage from West Van to Hawaii in an Indian canoe, the Oranda 11 December - Christmas Party. Excellent speakers to whom we are much indebted.