AUDIT vvEST VAACQJViLx-j MUSjiUh AImD HiSTCxlIGAL SOCIETY Statement of Receipts and Disbursements for the lear jading ijecember :^I. 19do Receipts: Cash on hand ana in bank December 31, 19c35 Regular memberships Life memberships Grant - District of West Vancouver Grant - iVest Vancouver Community Arts Council Sundry grants and service fees Sundry revenue and bank interest Disbursements; Postage Stationery and office supplies Rent and janitor services Slide and photo reproduction Subscriptions, memberships and seminar fees Shares - Vancouver City Savings Credit Union Furniture - display case Sundry Gash on hand and in bank December 31, I986 ^ 2,R5o.52 3,193.50 700.00 1.500.00 150.00 913.00 3U1.01 S 9,25U.03 â- if 292.78 1,833.10 1.593.00 1,165. Oi; 563.00 25.00 20.73 09.32 5,002.57 3, op 1»u6> V 9,25u.03 Bank Reconciliation December 31. I960 Ledger balance as per above statement Deduct: Bank special savings account Bank Balance - plan ?M current account Add; Uncashed cheques /^157, 158, 159 and 100 Balance confirmed by Van. Gitj Savings Greait Union letter dated Jan. 8th, 1987 ^ 3,o5l.iiO 2,8ul.90 009.56 3u.00 8U3.5o Balance Sheet as at December 31. I980 Assets; Gash in bank (VGSCU) - special savings - plan 2k current Shares - Vancouver Citj Saviiigs Greait Union Furniture ana equipment at cost Purchasea - I982 .,}) G12.00 1983 3,702.50 1984 1,j5’o.72 198a 20.73 Liaoilities and equity; Accounts payable Me.mbers equity S 2,oi4l,90 809.50 3,051.46 25.00 5,492.01 9,loO,d7 35.93 9,132.54 4’ 9, la 0.47