CHHISTITlflS GOODIES VOLUnTEERS FOR HERITAGE WEEK Last year, at the Christmas party, we ended up, i nadvertently, with a surplus of Christmas refreshments. Since much of the surplus was durable, that is to say, capable of maintaining its taste and freshness over a period of time, it was decided to donate it to the West Vancouver Christmas Tree Fund. The ladies in charge were so pleased to receive it as an addition to the Christmas packages they were preparing, that the Executive is persuaded to try for such a contribution again. If every member attending the Christmas Party would bring a contribution, we could make a useful contribution of mince tarts. Shortbread, Christmas cake and cookies for the needy in West Vancouver. If you are doing Christmas baking, do little extra as your contribution and it with yourself to the Party. Merry Christmas!! a bri ng Believe it or not, one of the big problem: of the Society is making itself known. This is why it is so important to make th( most of opportunities like Heritage Week. From Monday 16 February 1987 to Saturday 21 February 1987, we plan to have a display of the First People in West Vancouver at Park Royal. We have been promised a display area in the South Mall. To make the display productive, we must have people to talk to those who come by, explain the exhibits, talk about membership. To have two people on duty over the seven days on four hour tours of duty we require 14 crews or 28 people. Can you help? Lucy Smith is taking the names of volunteers and arranging shifts.. Give her a call at 929-4703. Have fun while helping the Society! GIFT niEniBERSHIPS mEIRBERSHIP FEES Let us assume that you have a youngish -30 to 60 - relative, or friend, or close acquaintance, to whom you generally give a little something at Christmas. If your somebody has roots in West Vancouver, why not give him or her a membership in the West Vancouver Museum and Historical Society. If nothing else, he or she might read and enjoy the newsletters, might even come to the meetings - and might even end up a working member. It is time that the Society reached out and got the history of the immediate post W.W.II generation (your children or your grandchildren) and the best way to do it is to get them into the Society. Think about it. Give a membership - you could even pretend it came from Santa Claus. For the under 59's, it is $15.00. Very shortly, everybody will be receiving an invoice for membership fees for 1987. Two years ago, it was agreed that, to simplify things for the membership convenor, all individual memberships would come due at the first of the year. An arrangement was made so that those joining late in the year would not be penalized. The system will only help if all members renew their memberships when they receive their invoices. Many members say, oh. I'll pay at the next meeting - and then something comes up and they can't get to the meeting. Please, when you receive your invoice, put a cheque in the mail. It makes things easier for everybody.