WEST VAWCOUVER MUSii^UM ANJj HISTORICAL SQGiETI Statement of Receipts and Disbursements Tor the Year Ending December 31« 19^5 Receipts; Cash on hand and in bank December 31, 19^U Regular memberships - 19^5 - 19do prepaid (Corporate) life.memberships Grant - District of West Vancouver Sundry grants and service fees Sundry revenue and bank interest Disbursements; Postage Stationery and office supplies Rent and janitor services Slide and photo reproduction Affiliate memberships, seminar fees and BCh ivews Sundry Cash on hand and in bank December 31, 19^5 ^ l,576*7d 2,303-00 1U3-00 1,000-00 1,000.00 319-00 ____123.hi ^ 0,329.15 4 27c.70 d05.13 1,617.00 550.9i4 751-L7 05.33 U,072,'S3 2,1456.52 ^ 0,529-15 Notes to the above statement. There was no signed requisition, receipt or voucher covering the following two disbursemerits: Cheque ^220 dated Oct. 22, 1965 paio to cash for janitorial services ^25.00 Cheque /f23S dated Dec. 9> 1965 paid to cash for janitorial services ^12.00 Bank Reconciliation December 31. 1985 Ledger balance as per above statement Deduct; Bank savings account - Capital Fund Balance Bank current account Add; Uncashed cheques #219 and #238 Balance confirmed bj Royal Bar*k letter dated bc/Ol/lk $ 1,557-03 ^ 2,1456.52 1,220.01 1,236.51 321.12 Balance Sheet as at December 31. 19d5 Assets; Cash on hand and in bank * current account - Capital fund savings account Furniture and equipment at cost Purchased - 1982 ip L12.00 1963 3,702.56 198i* 1,350.72 Liabilities and Equity: Members equity b 1,230.51 1,220.01 2,U5o.52 5,i471-2d 7,927.60 •3 7,927.60