MAY QUEEN GLADYS WILSON 1938 The entourage is unchanged but on the stage there are now six thrones. Some-one had decided that the retiring queen and her maids should have something better than just chairs. The new thrones are a little smaller than the old ones. At that, there are not enough thrones to go round as there are five West Vancouver Queens on the platform. Queen Gladys and Retiring Queen Ruth had been joined by former queens Norma, Dale and Margaret. Six queens if one wishes to include Mavis Whipple who made her last hurrah on this occasion. Seven if one is clairvoyant and knows that Maid of Honour Lois Minkley is scheduled for promotion. 1937 PageA VavZd BoAbouA maMi K.o,y, pAank HanwcUn uuXk ScAoVU 193S Qu2,Q,n Gladys WAM>on