MAY QUEEN NORMA MINIONS 1936 Queen Norma's reign was to see a change in the Queen's entourage with the addition of a Sceptre Bearer. This suggests a change too in the Queen's regalia - there is no need for a sceptre bearer unless a sceptre has been added. For most of the May Days hereafter, the sceptre and the Sceptre Bearer were to be a part of ceremony. Like the crown, each sceptre was made for a particular May Queen, and it would seem, became one of the mementoes which she took away after her reign. At its May Day display for the 1985 Community Day, the Society had several loaned by former queens. All were beautifully crafted and all unique. No one would have known, but this was to be the last year for the crepe paper dresses. For Georgie Edington, it was one year too many. Paper or no, her beautiful green dress stood up to the rigours of crowning ceremony, but not the events that followed. In this year at least, there was a royal tour of the Municipality, and during the tour. Crown Bearer Georgie had to sit on Reeve Ley-land' knee. To her chagrin, during the tour, her dress split up the side. Perhaps it was this that persuaded the Committee that all the participants should wear cloth. Incidentally, one of the stops on the tour was at a house directly across from the Cypress Park Shopping Centre on Marine Drive, the one, we believe of the Elgar family. This time we have a member, Dez Elgar, who may be able to say why -although a tea break would seem likely. "To Again, among the Guard of Honour is another queen-to-be. Lois Minkley had^wait three years to reign. Jimmy Mitchell no longer had to wear two hats as a . teacher from the high school had been recruited as May Day Committee Chairman It is probably not a co-incidence that Jimmy was principal. The, Royal Cou/iX 1936 (The. Se.a^oAlh GuoacU ne.e,d lde,nTl^lcallonj Back ^o(Aj: Anna SpoAk^, VoAccn Kanlcy, R.Q. Vale Enlfucn, VoAothy HeA>6lngcA, Jej>6lc lOA^bbcAg Q.E. NoAma Mlnlon6, BoAboAa EdwaAdu>, UaAgaAeX Payne, Vlana Chapman, MaAy McLeod FAOAt aoiaj: Page GoAdon Sang^teA, Rath Edington, Lol6 Minkley, BeoeAly McCulloch, Peggy Thonij. BeAyl Scott, Vonna Valglel6h, GeoAgla Edington, GoAdon Thompson