MAY QUEEN JOAN PARKER 1933 There was one change in the entourage for Queen Joan - the addition of a second page. Norman Jackson, serving a second year, was joined by Reid Mitchell. Yes, Reid was Jimmy's son, but anyone knowing him as an adult would be sure he got the job on merit. Reid was to star on U.B.C.'s basketball team, become a teacher and come back to teach at West Vancouver High School. He ended his career as a teacher at U.B.C. Already in this third year, it had been established that each year would be a new experience. The dresses for the royal party were changed each year, to be expected with changing fashions. But the Review Stand was also re-designed. In 1933, the new feature was a canopy over the queen alone. In the official photograph of the Stand only one throne can be seen, although a photograph of the May Day Dance shows three thrones on the stage there. For the first time, the official picture contains a visiting queen, with her two Maids of Honour. She may have been from North Vancouver, although the North Vancouver celebrations were also held on Victoria Day. Something else new is the presence of six men in the offical photograph.. Help is needed in identifying some of them. A queen-to-be can be seen in the Guard of Honour, although Dale Eriksen was not to reign until 1935. And making a first appearance was Isobel Russell as Crown Bearer. She was to appear in a Royal Party no less than five times. In 1933 she is crown bearer and in 1935 a flower girl. This reverses the usual order as flower girls were generally taken from grades one and two and the crown bearers from grades three and four. How this came about probably even Isobel does not know. She was later to appear once as a Guard of Honour and twice as a Maid of Honour. More of that later. aueen Elect Joan PoAkea, 24 Mac/ 1933. In thue iJjut yejvu, the rJCowQA Gajix^ LVOAe. dZaboA-oXd papoA.