ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD IN THE LIBRARY OF PAULINE JOHNSON SCHOOL AT 7:30 P.M. ON TUESDAY 19 MARCH 1985 PROGRAM 1 PRESIDENT'S REPORT ON YEAR'S ACTIVITIES 2. TREASURER'S REPORT 3. REPORT ON ACQUISITIONS 4. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1985 5. NOTICE OF MOTION ON FEES INASMUCH as the Society has undertaken to move toward the setting up of a a museum; and INASMUCH some capital would be advisable to initiate such a venture; BE IT RESOLVED that a new membership category, LIFE MEMBERSHIP FOR SENIORS (those members who are 59 or older), be instituted, and ii; i.that the cost of such a membership be $100.00 per person, and that the monies collected from such monies be held in a separate account as a capital fund, and that all or part of any interest accruing be available for current expenses NOTE: Members are reminded that this and regular membership fees can be included with charitable donations for income tax purposes. 6. Any other business. 7. A demonstration of collection procedures. It would be appreciated if members would bring contributions to our archival collection so that the procedures can be demonstrated on new material. 8. Inspection of present acquisitions held in Room 14, during which members will be asked to identify places and individuals not yet labelled. 9. Refreshments. Mrs. Della Charters has volunteered to supply cookies (home-baked) for the occasion, for which we thank her in advance. Despite the absence of a speaker it should be an interesting meeting, with an opportunity to meet old friends and with time to chat. Do come and bring a friend or two - anyone who might be interested in the history and development of West Vancouver. The nominating committee would welcome the names of any one who would like to work on the executive of the Society. None of the jobs are onerous but all can be very interesting.