Odds and Ends NEW HORIZONS "Nev/ Horizons" is a program developed in 1972 to encourage retired people to share their skills, talents and experience in community projects. Acceptable projects are local museums and archives, and it has been put to the Society that we should avail ourselves of this program. If the Society can demonstrate that there are a minimum of ten retired people actively engaged in the work of the Society, and we can produce a worthwhile project, we should be entitled to a grant under this program. The Society has the project - the creation of a museum and archives. On the Executive, vie have four people already committed to work. Six more are needed. Can we expect six or more volunteers at the next meeting. BRITISH COLUMBIA HISTORICAL NEWS The 6.C. Historical Federation is disappointed that, of our 70 members, only 17 signed up to continue jnbscriptions to B.C. Historical News. If you did not find the magazine particularly interesting, nobody can fault you for dropping the subscription. But if you enjoyed the magazine, you are reminded that as a member of a historical society, you get for one dollar a magazine that sells for $3.50 on the news stands. It is worth considering. MEMBERSHIP The Executive is concerned that membership in the Society has dropped from over ninety to just seventy. To a large measure the Executive regards itself as responsible for the drop, in that it did not push hard enough at the beginning of the year for renewal of membership. In many cases, members may have been uncertain as to the term of their membership in that the membership year was never spelled out for members. To obviate any confusion, and perhaps to bring some of our errant members into the fold, the Executive, at its November meeting, voted to establish the membership year as tne calendar year. From now on, if a member joins late in the year, he or she will be given the option of joining for the current year, or for the coming year. The Society, of course, always needs money, and would welcome a late membership as a token of support for its activities. But vie would prefer to have you join in November 1984 and request a membership for 1985 than not have you join at all. To prevent further confusiofi, the Executive plans to issue membership cards, on which will be clearly shown the date on which the membership expires. The Executive would like to see the membership close to one hundred again. WEST VANCOUVER COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL As an affiliate member of the Arts Council, the Society has been asked to advertise the Art Council's Spring Concert Series. There will be three concerts in the , 1985. may be be requested West Vancouver UnitecT Church on 3 February; 23 February and 20 April The cost for each concert is $10.00, but a series ticket for all three purchased for $20.00. A brochure will be out soon or information may from Klee Wyck - 922 - 1110 W.V.C.A.C. would like members of affiliates to join the Council - $5.00 does it.