FROM THE "PROGRESS SUPPLEMENT'* OF THE I'fhS VAi ' NEWS 2 TeJ.'i:.hone Dev: U'- Lnf v ; Js. ' L'-Tl ill "W-â- j 0- V West Vancouver's tolopliojco total ivacl.-ed a new hiVi mark of if^12 on Novembc .â- 1, 'the British Columbia 0'dephono Company; annnamces. Thia sli:v/s a ^ain of more'than 200 tolephoiics in the municipality sincii the first of the year, and is nearly double the hilephone total of 10 years ago. , .Highlight of the year’s telephone development in V'est Vancouver was the opening of the new Whytecliji ofidee, g'sdng service to tho area between Caiilfeilcl ant: Horseshoe lOay, on Judy 21. â- Whytedhrs telephone system is matic. house, the did equipment a small builoirig was ometed on the Gam side of M aine Drive, opposite tlic Glen-eagles Golf IJnks. Trie vi S c cl 0 !. i >S ' 1. 1 â- 1 ; ‘ ' f- the new system also involved an exhnnf t t-outside eonstructioh program. This in-eluded the stringing in 12,000 feet-of . o')-• pair cable, i-i addition tc â- placiiyg of a number of new poles and tiie stringing of open wire. On November 1, Wliyteclirf had 58 subscribers to telephone service. The W'l-yivv-cliff office V! a part of the Most Vancouver exchange, and iLs teleph-ne Total is. tb West Va ..voiiver total. C.Sl SrV.n'ri â- .. r .4;., U'cunded in 4* / The history of the toldipcne in Wr Vancouver precedes even the incoriK>ration of the municipality. lolin v,.;V\-;-on, iiop’ilarly .known as “The Fatha,r of Wst Vancoaveialso liav the distinction' 'of being a telephone pioneer. Ho played a proiniuent part in the establishing of a local service and v;as ihe IfC. TcTcphone Company’s first agent when an exchange was opcr;ed. Even prior .to-the.-incorporation of the miiuicipality in 1012, Mr.'-Dawson had--a,t'dephpne, in West Venconver. It was in his real estate office'at'the- foot of Seventeenth Street, TTf/ilyburn. on the site where he arid his little family of pioneer.^ had tanded from a rowboat in 1907. ^The telephone was given sorvice through a toll line, Mr. Lawson’using it in connection '.vii'i his reel m-tate business. .•..•â- â- • After the municipality became-incoi'i.'oratcd a loeal telephone s.ystem wag considered desirable. There wore HI names on the Original petition for telephone service and Ivlr. and hli’S. Lawson tripled that number in one day by 'umvassing the community. When.they found they were still four short of the number required by the Telephone Company to open at. exchange, Mr. Lawson offered to take the extra four telepiioiKw himself, .out tlie company established the service wii-.iicut insisiin that. Mr. Lawson was appointed agent f; company. The first switchboard war h office, adjoining the post mfice at Hob,'-and he served as postmastev and tel. -operator at the same time. . West Vancouver now has direct hTj connection rath Vancouver. gXirouc:- a â- vi. ine cable lari in 1923. The British Col imbla Telepl " pany’s ])resent commercial agent is - > bara Ailwork, daughter of a former ch.-o.t ator. Tlie chief ope.rai.or now is Miss Oarmichaei, and the man in charge of pi A. F. Gibson. mi the ms urn, lone i uione mar- ^;orv Bai. eper- nit is Emergency Phones PoHce.........West 45 Fire Dept .....West 400 inhalator, W.Van. West 45 inhal.'^tor, CaulfeHd, V/est 609