Ski Club. This club was formed ai; a special tnecting of a few ski enthusiasts at 615 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C. on the 2nd of March 1927, upon the initiative of R.J. Verne and was officially recognized by the C.A.S.C. on April 15th, 1927. As a matter of further interest, this club was the first Ski Club on the Pacific Coast of North America. The first official competitions were held at and around the Hollyburn Ski Comp area on April 15 to 17, 1927. The Hat of Charter memberB consists of some fifty people, some, while not as active on the Ridge as they once were, still maintain an Interest in the goings on. To name just a few, Ralph Morris, first Club Captain, together with and Eric 'Twist of the Pioneers Cabin who assisted me greatly in some research for this article, Harry Collins, Abo Knight and many others. All these .people were the pioneers of Hollyburn Ridge as a recreation area. They started the log cabin ’’building boom†of the late 20’s and early 30’s and v;hat we have today is due in no small part to their efforts. Host of you are aware, we presently have Ski trails named after many different people, who in some manner have made a lasting contribution to the Ridge and it seems most appropriate that the name of Rudolph J. Verne should be recorded for posterity. Perhaps the "Powers that be†in the Provincial Parks Brandi woulo consider the new five kilometre cross-country race training circuit, presently under construction, as a suitable project to carry the name of a man wno pioneered crose-country Skiing on Hollyburn Ridge., A final quote from the Rules and Regulations laid down by the Club in 1927 "Combined Competitions:- In the Clubs opinion, Cross Country Ckling should receive first consideration and should at least be on even terms with jeurping. The club in its desire to bring Cross-Ccuotr'; racing in Canada back to its proper place is particularly fortunate in having within Its radius the finest territory for Cross-Country Skiing in the Dominion". With the upsurge in Cross-Country skiing lately, it looks liKe in the space of fifty years ve. have come full circle. Bill c~- I I I j â- O (a I h C 3 Koi k r'.>qkt