WHICH CAME FIRST THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG? Did these people ski together because they bowled together - or did they bowl because the skied? Unless sorne-one in the above picture comes forward and gives us an answer, we will never know for certain. From the title we can guess, of course, that these were skiers who decided to bowl. Mary Chapman, who contributed the picture to the Archives, identifies the location as Chapman's Bowling Alleys, or as the caption on the picture says. Chapman's Recreations. Her grandfather, Ernest John Chapman, ran the establishment, which was at Seymour Street and Broadway. The year is given as 1937-1938, and the game, from the size of the balls on the racks, definitely five pins, further attested by the five pins in the foreground. The picture is of value to the Archives as it stands but will be more valuable if even some of the people in it can be identified. It must be accepted that this may be a problem, not because the people would now all be upwards of 65, but because skiers are likely to have come from all over the area of Greater Vancouver. In the early days. West Vancouver was a summer resort for the campers and hikers from Vancouver, and it was and is one of the favoured ski-ing areas. If you can identify any of the people in this picture, do let the society know. A better copy of this picture is available at Room 14, Pauline Johnson School, the present headquarters of the Historical Society. The room is open from ten o'clock to twelve on Mondays and Fridays.