DO YOU KNOW_____? Anything about any of the choral groups that existed in West Vancouver? Who were the organizers, the conductors, the accompanyIsts, the soloists? How did they fare in the festivals In which they competed? What were the popular songs in the 1920's and the 1930's? What would be sung at festivals? What would be sung at beach parties and at home sing songs? If you have any information, write the Society or phone Joan at 922 - 5215 A WEST VANCOUVER GEOGRAPHY QUIZ A section of a xeroxed map has come Into your editor's hands. It Is interesting mostly because some of the place names are new to him, and some others, which are not new, are not quite where he thought they should be. Present place names are on the map but in brackets under the other names. You may be interested in seeing how many of the older names you can identify by their present names. The answers will be given on the general meeting of Monday 30 May and repeated in the next issue of the news letter. Put a present day name to: 1. Johnson Cove 6. Reardon Point 2. Wadsley 7. Rpbertson Point 3. Batchelor Cove 8. Patterson Cove 4. Ettershank Cove 9. Robson Cove 5. Claymore Cove 10. Bridgman Point EXECUTIVE REPORT Since the last general meeting, the President and two Executive members have met with the Library Board and have established a harmonious working relationship. Our aides have completed the cataloguing and indexing of all the pictures in Mr. Harrison's collection and are now working on newspapers. The Executive is sending at least one delegate to the B.C. Historical Convention at New Westminster and one delegate to the Oral History Conference at U.B.C. - both on June 2 and 3.