yi i/ txi THE NEWS LETTER OF THE V/EST VANGOUYSR HISTORICAL SOCIETY Voliime 1 N-umber 2 May 1983 PHOTO IDENTIFICATION CONTEST All members of the West Vancouver Historical Society are invited to participate in a contest, not so much to identify as to update a series of school pictures. In what used to be Inglewood School and is nov the Y.M.C.A, Building, there will be placed on the hall walls the pictures of all the graduating classes from 1925 to 1956. You will be asked to fill out a form that sketches out the career of each individual, including yourself, about whom you have a reasonable knowledge - education, career, marriages, children, special achievements. When three people have reported on any one individual, his or her number will be removed. It is hoped to get a good profile of each graduating class. Credit for this unique project must go to two people. One is Mr. Ted Hughes, the School Board's chief maintenance man, who through the years has demonstrated a keen sense of history. He has seen to it that all these pictures, and many other worthwhile artifacts have been preserved, The other is Mr. Trueman Hirschfeld, head of the North Shore Y.M.C.A. who conceived the idea of the study and is following it through with this contest. He will also provide the prizes in the form of pictures of the appropriate graduating classes or pictures of the school. The Executive of the Society is giving the project whole hearted support because we can see much useful material for the Archives coming from it. Mr. Hirschfeld will explain the contest in more detail at the Society's next meeting on Monday 30 May. The meeting will be held at Inglewood so that you can all get a first look at the graduating pictures. The contest will go on for three or four months but will be initiated at our meeting. Do plan to come. There is a notice in this newsletter of the meeting. OUR GUEST SPEAKER MR. VICTOR SPENCER JR. We are indeed fortunate to have as a guest speaker for 30 May Mr. Victor Spencer Jr. He is the grandson of the founder of Spencer's Department Stores, and was working his way up through the many department when the firm was sold to Eatons. After the sale, he worked for Eatons in Hamilton where he also played football for the Tiger Cats. After a busy and varied career in business and in sports, he is bound to be a very entertaining speaker. He has been asked to speak on his family's connection with B.C. and with West Van.