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This sentimental picture is wonderful ! I did May Pole dancing in West Van in the 1960's. To participate in this beautiful tradition was fun and exciting, we were so young. No homes on the mountain, such a change from today's landscape. I lived in West Van from 1956-1969. We owned 1425-19th street. Our lovely home was on two lots, with the woods at the end of 19th street and I spent many happy hours playing there. I was appalled and actually in tears to find out from a web search that my treasured home had been torn down and replaced with two homes. My late Dad, John Fawell, spent many hard hours working to make the gardens and landscaping beautiful when the home was first purchased in the late 1950's. He decided to enlarge our home into the second lot in the 1960's hoping no one would ever destroy our wonderful home. He would be devastated. My late Mum, Jay (Joan Fawell), volunteered at West Vancouver Library. She enjoyed the companionship. I greatly miss beautiful West Van!
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