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Panorama film studios was run By Alan Houghton as President, and the vice president was Art Jones one of the first owners of BC TV in Burnaby BC.
I worked at the studio as an actor with people like Cheif Dn George a hereditary chief of a local tribe the great local Indian chief and a wonderful Hollywood actor of known ability as an actor.
I work at night at Isys super club on West Georgia St in Vancouver at that time.
The great singer Tommy Edwards who sang many a
Tear has to fall was a guest of the president of Hollywood film studios and Allan Houghton and Art Jones VP of Hollywood film studios.
As for myself, I became close friends of Oliver Reed in the movie the trap and also worked as an actor in that film.
Later the film indud=stry when the goverment of the daay would not support the film indud=stry \i later dropped ou of acting and spent roughfull bcame a pace offfiv=cer fo abot thirty years
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