My grandfather resided in this beautiful house from at least 1976 to his death in 1987. His name was Donald Clark. This photo brings back many fantastic childhood memories. Thank you to the photographer for posting it.
Posted by Judith Clark, 23 February 2016 at 19:45
I was married in this house in 1976, when my father Don Clark lived there on the main floor. That would be my father's car hidden behind the fence. Later on my husband and I lived in one of the upstairs suites and enjoyed sitting on that little balcony with our Sunday breakfast. The house held many happy memories, and a few sad ones as well since my mother lived her last years there. The main floor living room held two grand pianos and lots of people for a musical evening or family dinner. My father lived there till 1987. The house was one of a number of houses on that block owned by David Spencer. At the time of this picture, the seawall ended at the foot of 24th. The houses were demolished and replaced by a string of deluxe townhouses in the late 1980s. Thank you for allowing me to revisit this place.
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My grandfather resided in this beautiful house from at least 1976 to his death in 1987. His name was Donald Clark. This photo brings back many fantastic childhood memories. Thank you to the photographer for posting it.
I was married in this house in 1976, when my father Don Clark lived there on the main floor. That would be my father's car hidden behind the fence. Later on my husband and I lived in one of the upstairs suites and enjoyed sitting on that little balcony with our Sunday breakfast. The house held many happy memories, and a few sad ones as well since my mother lived her last years there. The main floor living room held two grand pianos and lots of people for a musical evening or family dinner. My father lived there till 1987. The house was one of a number of houses on that block owned by David Spencer. At the time of this picture, the seawall ended at the foot of 24th. The houses were demolished and replaced by a string of deluxe townhouses in the late 1980s. Thank you for allowing me to revisit this place.
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