A view of the Municipal Sanitation/Works Yard located at 101 Bridge Road near the mouth of the Capilano River. Lions Gate Bridge is also visible in the left side of the image.
A view of the Municipal Sanitation/Works Yard located at 101 Bridge Road …
A view looking North from Marine Drive and 17th Street of the Ambleside revitalization project. Marine Drive can be seen with no pavement, only gravel.
A view looking North from Marine Drive and 17th Street of the …
A woman walking her dog in Ambleside dog walking park located along the water just behind Park Royal mall. Lions Gate Bridge and the train bridge that runs across Capilano River can be seen in the ba
A woman walking her dog in Ambleside dog walking park located along …
Street view of Ambleside Drugs and Tip Top Barbers, 1410 Marine Drive. Original cataloguing notes that Ambleside Drugs closed in 1988. By 2011 this building had been replaced by VanCity Bank building
Street view of Ambleside Drugs and Tip Top Barbers, 1410 Marine Drive. …